Community Impact
Queen City Unity's mission is "To drive equity and equality for all in Charlotte, NC". Our organization is composed of volunteer Unity Ambassador from across the Queen City of different races, religions, genders, socioeconomic statuses, abilities and disabilities, and sexual orientations. We fulfill our mission through our 4 Pillars of Unity.
Serve the Community
Community Engagement
Community Program- Equity Ambassador Program
Our organization continues to grow year over year. Since our inception, our volunteer Queen City Unity Ambassador base has grown by over 200% which has enabled us to broaden our impact as well. Every day our impact is felt throughout the city of Charlotte due to their hard work and dedication to create an equal and equitable Charlotte for all.
A Few Statistics:​

WSOC-TV 9 Food Drive
Queen City Unity is the official Donation Pick Up Program of the 9 Food Drive. We have collected over 20,000 non-perishable food items from local area homes and businesses to benefit those who are food insecure.

Care Bag Giveaways
Provided over 5,000 care bags to those that are marginalized due to inequities in Charlotte.

2nd Annual Charlotte UNITE Festival
United our community to celebrate diversity and experience each other's cultures through music, food, and diverse vendors. Several thousand people attend our annual celebration.

WSOC-TV 9 School Tools
Queen City Unity is the official Donation Pick Up Program of the 9 School Tools campaign. Our efforts led to over 30,000 school supply items being collected for students attending schools with limited resources.

Back to School
In collaboration with Hope for Harvest and Hope for Humanity, we collected and distributed over 400 book bags filled with supplies to scholars who have suffered due to inequities in Charlotte.

Charlotte Pride
Engaged and supported the LGBTQ community and over 160,000 in attendance through our vendor booth at the Charlotte Pride Festival.

2nd Annual QCU- Coats, Socks, and PJ Drive.
Collected over 25,000 lbs. of clothing for the foster children in Charlotte.

United we Thrive
Our organization was established on the cornerstone of collaboration. Since 2017 our Queen City Unity Ambassadors have volunteered over 80,000 hours with our partner organizations.
What's next?​
During these divisive times it is critical that we unite against racism. It is our goal to continue to positively impact young people through the Equity Ambassador Program . In 2020 we have also made it a priority to financially support other grassroots organizations on the ground and with volunteer capital.
It is going to take a collective effort for us to achieve the change that we all desire and to put an end to the lingering effects of segregation and racism in our society.
We ask that you please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Queen City Unity and help fuel our vision for an equal and equitable Charlotte for all. Your donation will directly impact the scholars of the Equity Ambassador Program and help provide families with much needed resources that they currently lack in their inequitable communities. Thank you for your ongoing support, Charlotte.